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Resources for Providers

Referral and Coordination

The Maternal Mental Health Referral Guidance Tool was developed by the Maternal and Child Health Program at the Public Health Institute at Denver Health to provide guidance to health providers on the maternal mental health screening and referral process, including  patient education on the outcome of a screen, key questions to consider when making a referral, and recommended referral practices to assure that the provider stays updated about the patient’s care. The 3-page tool includes a patient-facing “prescription pad” (seen first in this link) to help patients remember referral recommendations. 

Parents Thrive Colorado is a family-friendly website that provides peer stories and community resources that support the mental health and well-being of Coloradans who are expecting or parenting young children.

Postpartum Support International promotes awareness, prevention, and treatment of mental health issues. The Colorado Chapter of Postpartum Support International webpage includes information about symptoms, finding the right help, and provides contact information for Colorado-based coordinators who help connect families to local resources.