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Policy Resources

MMH Policy Issues

The MBH Policy and Financing Coalition's Core Work Group has identified eleven areas of policy intervention, in accordance with which legislative, regulatory, programmatic, and administrative priorities are upheld for advocacy efforts. Corresponding strategic initiatives and activities are carried out by Coalition members to effectively drive policy development, implementation, and evaluation, as well as to ensure collaboration with and accountability among legislators, state departments, state agencies, organizations, payers, providers, and fellow advocates. Each intervention area corresponds with a Framework goal:

Supportive Community 

  • Access to Care
  • Community-based Models of Care Delivery
  • Perinatal Substance Use

Maximized Prevention 

  • Payment Reform
  • Postpartum Coverage

Universal Screening and Appropriate Referral 

  • PMAD Screening and Referral

Comprehensive, Inclusive, and Responsive Continuum of Care

  • Enhanced Data Collection
  • Family Support Services
  • Infant Mental Health
  • Quality Improvement
  • Workforce Development

A Note on Dyadic Interventions: The Collaborative works with cross-sector partners to address the well-being of mothers, infants, and their families and communities. Maternal mental health is connected to many other issues of concern. Research has shown that maternal and infant mental health are linked, and maternal mental health outcomes are correlated with child health and development. Given how these topics interconnect, our policy agenda is broad and inclusive of issues of infant and early childhood psychosocial health.